Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Partying with the Matchmovers

Wilmer, the other guy from LA that I flew to India with, is the supervisor for the match-moving department. Tonight they all got together to go out for Bowling and dinner. They were kind enough to invite me along. I had a blast!

The bowling alley would have been impossible for me to ever find on my own. It was off of some side street on the third story of a building. It had 4 lanes, which I guess is the usually size of bowling alleys in Mumbai. There was a couple of pool tables and video games too. I guess bowling has starting getting rather popular in Mumbai so alot of places are getting lanes. Places like the one we are in swap around to whatever is popular at the time. In a couple years bowling may have fizzled so they will reinvent themselves to whatever new thing comes along.

There ended up being about 25 or so of us total. Many people had never been bowling before, so everyone had alot of fun. There were waiters with bow-ties going around with little cups of different colored sodas and appetizers like fish sticks and indian spiced chicken. I ended up talking quite a bit with Prashant and learning how he came to Indian from LA to start up R&H India 5 years ago.

After bowling we went downstairs and had dinner which was very good again. Then we had our own private dance party with a DJ. It took me a bit to get warmed up to dancing, but it was hard not too with the enthusiasm of all the matchmovers. Eventually nearly everyone was dancing and having a great time. You can pick up alot about the Indian culture just by watching them dance. It is really all about just having fun! No inhibitions, no phobias, just pure fun.

By the end of the night I had pulled a tendon in my knee from dancing so much. This also set the stage for friendships that I could build on throughout the rest of my stay.

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